Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Maximized Health “tip of the week”


A 2006 study revealed that the fiber in this rolled grain decreases your appetite.

Researchers at Penn State University found that adding a small serving of nuts to your diet will help to maintain your weight. The fiber and good fats in nuts make you feel full longer.

Scientists at Pennsylvania State University believe that drinking a glass of vegetable juice before your meals may cause you to reduce your intake by as much as 135 fewer calories.

According to clinical studies, the compounds in green tea may help boost your body’s metabolism and fat burning abilities.

Now, don’t run out and buy canned vegetable juice that contains so much sugar that you will be busting at the seams. Also, don’t try and drink yourself thin with a dozen cups of green tea everyday. The tried and true method of increasing lean muscle mass while reducing body fat still remains to be a matter of good nutrition and exercise.

For some time now, we have known that one measurement of health is the ratio of lean muscle to body fat. For this reason, our bodies were designed to be exercised and strengthened for our entire lives – not just the first 20 or 30 years. On the same note, our bodies were designed to be fed high quality nutrients in a manner that promotes muscle maintenance and normal metabolism of fat.

Right now, we are working on creating several different Health & Fitness Programs that will assist you in setting and achieving goals related to diet and exercise. We will be launching these Health Programs within the year and they will be available to you as a member of Maximized Health. So, keep your eyes pealed for these new seminars and events.

Until then, one more tip for improving your health…


If you would like to get in “better shape” than you are now, try starting your day with exercise. Research shows that exercising in the morning before you eat is one aggressive method of attacking fat. Without food, or dietary fuel in the system, the body will better utilize fat stores in the energy production process. This may be difficult for some, but if you want results… then difficult is what you must endure.

* Consult with your doctor prior to strenuous alteration of diet and exercise regimes, especially if you suffer from cardiovascular or blood sugar issues.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Maximized Tip of the Week


Aspirin has developed a reputation in conventional medical circles for being a useful approach for lowering the risk of heart disease -- just take one a day to prevent heart attack or stroke.
Although, let's not forget that aspirin is in fact a drug, and that the makers of Bayer aspirin started this insanity to begin with.

Once you understand natural medical principles it is easy to see that any drug is not the solution for a chronic degenerative disease. Although it may seem to provide some initial benefit, the long-term overall view is rarely appreciated, as it nearly invariably shows a combination of side effects that far outweighs any benefit.

The case of Vioxx is quite clear. Tens of thousands of people around the world paid the price with their lives for choosing some temporary pain relief in exchange for a fatal heart attack.
In the case of aspirin, if you read the studies by British and American researchers, you will see that taking aspirin can cause much more harm than good.

The chance of developing ulcers is just one potential side effect of regular aspirin intake. Others include:
  • Increasing your risk of pancreatic cancer
  • Damaging your kidneys
  • Gastric bleeding
  • Stroke

The best alternatives to aspirin…
Simple lifestyle changes such as improving your level of commitment to diet and exercise can have a tremendously positive effect on your cardiovascular system. Supplements like fish oil and green vegetable powders should also be considered effective tools for disease prevention.

If you still feel like you should “be taking something” to prevent heart disease… try a grapefruit!

Monday, March 3, 2008

Maximized Health Tip(s) of the Week

From April Burns

These muffins are outstanding! They make for a great meal in the morning or a snack later in the day. They are part of a meal plan that is designed to lower body fat % and increase lean muscle mass. Enjoy!!!

Protein Muffins
1 cup old fashioned oats
1 container yogurt (I like the fruit on the bottom type)
1 scoop vanilla protein powder
6 egg whites, or 1/2 carton horizon egg whites
2 tsp baking powder
splash vanilla, stevia, or honey etc for sweetness
Pour into a WELL GREASED muffin or loaf pan
Bake 375 for 18 min

Homemade Muesli Bar
2 ½ Cups old fashioned rolled oats
½ cup soy flour
½ cup dry nonfat milk
½ cup toasted wheat germ
½ cup sliced almonds
½ cup dried apples chopped
½ cup raisins
½ teaspoon salt
1 cup dark honey
½ cup natural peanut butter
1 tablespoon olive oil
2 teaspoons vanilla extract

Preheat oven to 325 degrees. Lightly coat a 9 by 13" baking pan with cooking spray. Combine oats, flour, dry milk, wheat germ, almonds, apples, raisins and salt. Mix and set aside.

In a small sauce pan stir together honey, peanut butter and olive oil over medium heat until well blended. Stir in the vanilla. Combine the honey mixture with the dry ingredients and stir quickly.

Pat the mixture evenly into the baking pan. Press firmly. Bake until edges begin to brown (25 minutes). Let cool in the pan for 10 minutes, then cut into 24 pieces. Remove from pan and continue to cool on a wire rack. Store in airtight container in the refrigerator.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Maximized Health "Tip of the Week"

2 ½ c. Organic Chopped Walnuts
3/4 c. Organic Whole Wheat Pastry Flour
3/4 c. Organic Quick Oats
½ t. Celtic Sea Salt
3/4 c. Organic Grade B Maple Syrup
2 t. Organic Vanilla Extract
MIX all dry ingredients together. ADD maple syrup and vanilla. FORM into 1 ½ Tablespoon balls per cookie. BAKE at 350 degrees for 10-12 minutes on a lightly oiled cookie sheet until slightly golden on top.

Recipe Source: Becky Glaze
Maximized Health Website http://www.maximizedhealth.net/

Monday, February 18, 2008

Maximized Health “tip of the week”

Red Peppers For Appetite suppressant

A recent study found that people who eat red pepper in the morning tend to eat less throughout the day. Chop up some red peppers and add them to your breakfast omelet (egg-white, of course). Their hunger-diminishing ingredient is capsaicin, which has been proven to reduce sensory information in the intestines from reaching the brain. In other words, capsaicin stops your stomach from telling your brain that you’re hungry.

Capsaicin will also give your metabolism a boost, meaning you will burn more fat. To fire up your metabolism, add both red and cayenne or jalapeno peppers to your omelet – as long as you can handle the heat.

Boost heart health with walnuts

Although olive oil combats the harmful effects that standard fats have on arteries, walnuts are even better when it comes to the health of your most important muscle of all, the heart. Minimize the nasty fats clinging to your arteries by eating a handful of walnuts every day.

Studies have shown that arteries become relaxed in people who add walnuts to a high-fat meal. Walnuts even outranked olive oil in their ability to aid blood flow. Researchers believe the alpha-linolenic acid in the nuts helps to keep arteries flexible.

Ease sore joints with pineapple

Forget about the over the counter pain killers – pineapples have been shown to speed joint recovery due to an ingredient called bromelain, which has anti-inflammatory abilities. If your knees feel stiff or have been injured, consider adding pineapple to your daily diet and see if you feel a difference.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Maximized Health Tip(s) of the Week

At our last nutrition seminar I shared with the audience how sugar can affect the immune system. I also discussed how Vitamin C plays a critical role in supporting the immune system – especially when it is compromised. This brings us to a featured product that I use personally and promote professionally. Here is some information I thought might help you understand why:
Emergen-C is so much more than just Vitamin C!
The foundation of Emergen-C is built on seven mineral ascorbates. These mineral ascorbates of potassium, calcium, magnesium, manganese, sodium, chromium & zinc provide your body with 1,000 mg of vital, life-sustaining Vitamin C in a non-acidic, stomach-friendly formula. Unlike ordinary Vitamin C supplements, Emergen-C also had a total of 32 active mineral complexes along with key B Vitamins. All combined, Emergen-C is a potent blend of antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and other micronutrients that support healthy metabolic and immune system function.
Advanced Immune System Support!
Vitamin C - Activates the white blood cells that are most important in antibody production and in coordinating immune functions.
Enhanced Zinc - With a full 100% of the RDA, fights free radicals and helps maintain healthy white blood cell activity.
Vitamins A & D - Vitamin A helps overcome the harmful effects of free radicals. Vitamin D regulates activity of white blood cells.
Hibiscus Extract - Used for centuries as an antioxidant, the polysaccharides in Hibiscus helps to stimulate the immune system.
Elderberry Concentrate - A strong antioxidant which boosts the production of cytokines, enhancing the immune system.

You can typically find Emergen-C in nearly all food stores, especially a health food store.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Maximized Health Tip(s) of the Week

TOMATO CUCUMBER DRESSING (from rawfoodlife.com)
3 tomatoes chopped
1 celery stalk, chopped
1 T. Fresh oregano, minced
1 cucumber, chopped
3 radishes, chopped
Place the above ingredients in blender and blend until smooth.

WILD RICE SALAD (from rawfoodlife.com)
4 cups wild rice (presoaked for 48 hours)
2 cucumbers
2 red or yellow bell peppers
1 small jicama, shredded
2 tomatoes
4 celery stalks
6 scallions or 1 small onion
1 cup cilantro, parsley or basil
4 Tbs. kelp to taste
Chop all ingredients fine and put into large bowl. Then make dressing below.
1 large avocado
1/2 to 1 cup tomatillo juice or sauerkraut juice
pinch of cayenne
kelp to taste
cilantro, basil or parsley to taste

"SPAGHETTI" AND TOMATO SAUCE (from rawfoodlife.com)
To make sauce, blend in blender or Vita-Mix:
6 medium totmatoes
3-4 Tbs. tomato powder or all-purpose seasoning
2 tsp. jicama powder (optional)
1 tsp. beet powder (optional)
Italian seasoning
Onion and/or garlic or kelp to taste
To make "spaghetti" grate gold zucchini or butternut squash lengthwise. pour sauce (ingredients above) over "spaghetti" and mix together. Minced, grated cauliflower can be added to give a taste and feel of grated cheese.