Monday, February 18, 2008

Maximized Health “tip of the week”

Red Peppers For Appetite suppressant

A recent study found that people who eat red pepper in the morning tend to eat less throughout the day. Chop up some red peppers and add them to your breakfast omelet (egg-white, of course). Their hunger-diminishing ingredient is capsaicin, which has been proven to reduce sensory information in the intestines from reaching the brain. In other words, capsaicin stops your stomach from telling your brain that you’re hungry.

Capsaicin will also give your metabolism a boost, meaning you will burn more fat. To fire up your metabolism, add both red and cayenne or jalapeno peppers to your omelet – as long as you can handle the heat.

Boost heart health with walnuts

Although olive oil combats the harmful effects that standard fats have on arteries, walnuts are even better when it comes to the health of your most important muscle of all, the heart. Minimize the nasty fats clinging to your arteries by eating a handful of walnuts every day.

Studies have shown that arteries become relaxed in people who add walnuts to a high-fat meal. Walnuts even outranked olive oil in their ability to aid blood flow. Researchers believe the alpha-linolenic acid in the nuts helps to keep arteries flexible.

Ease sore joints with pineapple

Forget about the over the counter pain killers – pineapples have been shown to speed joint recovery due to an ingredient called bromelain, which has anti-inflammatory abilities. If your knees feel stiff or have been injured, consider adding pineapple to your daily diet and see if you feel a difference.